FBI Agents in Operation Bullpen used the Patriot Act to spy on fraud suspects Stan Fitzgerald
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Operation Bullpen conviction questioned by national Veterans for America First Group who states agents used the Patriot Act to spy on fraud suspects including Stan Fitzgerald

CALDWELL, N.J. - JerseyDesk -- By Veterans for America First:

VFAF has reviewed decades old documents, recorded calls with attorney's who suggested Fitzgerald plead guilty to what he was innocent of, and polygraph results pertaining to Stan Fitzgerald's conviction in FBI Operation Bullpen.

Evidence shows FBI agents used a device to clone computer hard drives to read lawyer client privileged documents and did so from outside the home of Stan Fitzgerald years after the search warrant execution. Evidence of illegal hacking was also observed years after the legitimate warrant expired when a Fitzgerald owned computer screen showed it was connected to the FBI computer system. This trigged an OPR investigation into the agents' actions by congressional order.

Fitzgerald's legal troubles began with his involvement in "Operation Bullpen," an FBI initiative decades ago where he was accused of purchasing inauthentic autographs for resale. His family accused of tax-related misdemeanors. His case was particularly notable for the unusual delay between the execution of a search warrant on 10–13–99 and the filing of charges, which stretched over 58 months. This delay, coupled with Fitzgerald passing polygraph tests that underscored his innocence, painted a picture of a weak case built on questionable grounds. The involvement of the DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) in investigating potential misconduct by the agents involved further indicated issues within the prosecution's approach. Two U.S. Attorneys declined to prosecute based on the evidence, and the case was only pursued by a less experienced prosecutor in environmental law, lacking the usual expertise in fraud cases. This scenario raised questions about the motives behind the legal actions against Fitzgerald, especially considering his personal challenges with PTSD at the time, which might have impacted his focus and ability to understand the autographs may not have been authentic which he purchased.

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Source: Veterans for America First

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