Governor Murphy Spreads Election Disinformation
Jersey Desk/10265974

TRENTON, N.J. - JerseyDesk -- Governor Murphy  appeared on News 12's Ask the Governor on May 28th. The governor was asked a question by Wake Up NJ about why isn't there voter ID in NJ. After saying he doesn't think voter ID should be required to cast a vote in NJ, he explained, "the chances are significantly, meaningfully, higher that either you or I will be hit by lightning than we will find voter fraud. The video can be played at: (

The governor did not provide support for his claim, so Citizens for New Jersey Election Integrity offered to assist. Unfortunately for the governor, the data contradicts him.

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There have been 2 lightning strike fatalities in NJ since the governor rose to power in 2017. Divide that figure into a population count (that does not include undocumented residents) 9,320,865, and the chance over the span of 6 years is 0.000021%.

For the calculation of the chance of fraud recently, the FBI complaint against Atlantic City's organizer Craig Calloway for his 2022 mail-in ballot for money scheme was used. The FBI documented 4 fraudulent ballots cast (and clearly the scheme involved more). The ongoing case of 2 Paterson, NJ councilmen indicted for voter fraud after allegedly stealing their elections in 2020 is not needed for this calculation. Divide the 4 Atlantic City ballots by all the votes cast in the NJ general election of 2022: 2,658,149, and the chance is 0.00015%.

So it turns out you are 7 times more likely to find voter fraud instances in NJ (in just one election) than be struck by lightning over 6 years.

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Sources: ( ( ( (

Mark Flaherty

Source: Citizens for New Jersey Election Integrity

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